Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Blogwars Episode Two: Adrienne Strikes Back

A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

I decided that the comics in the daily publication at my university weren't funny, and that I, with my mediocre drawing skills and superior sense of humor, would be just the person to change that. A few silly drawings and a Marquez novel later, an idea for a new, funnier comic was budding in my head. That idea was One Hundred Years of Solipsism.

I eagerly set to work, dutifully recording the adventures of three wacky fictional college students, even making a blog to post my work. And then disaster struck. I came to realize that my mediocre drawing skills made the drawing process go veeerrry, veeerrry slowly. Worse, it was really hard to write genuinely funny cartoons! I soon realized that these facts were not conducive to churning out five quality strips a week. Thus, One Hundred Years of Solipsism quietly ended, and its accompanying blog lay fallow for nearly a year and a half.

And now, on the final day of 2008, I'm resurrecting what I laid aside then. One Hundred Years of Solipsism is back-- not as a regular comic, though I may post some of my goofy drawings, and not as a daily record of my life, though I'll undoubtedly post some choice snippets of my day-to-day activities. Posts that are overly personal, boring, or long-winded will not see the light of day. Expect goofy and possibly thought-provoking stories, even goofier (but probably not thought-provoking) drawings, excellent things one may find on the Internet, and links to everything I've ever written. With luck, future posts will be better written than this one.

In the words of the Saturday night partiers I so frequently hear outside my window at school, WOO HOO!