Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Name on Everybody's Lips is Gonna Be... Jerry?

What does the former host of the most famous daytime talk show ever and the symbol of the downfall of American popular culture do in retirement? Take on the London stage, of course!

Jerry Springer, host of the eponymously named Jerry Springer Show, is now starring as slick lawyer Billy Flynn in the London performance of the popular musical. (His controversial namesake show recorded its last episode May 19 after budget cuts forced it to end). The New York Times review of the show focuses mostly on the obvious parallels between the musical's focus on facade and giving audiences what they want, but overlooks an obscure yet equally important parallel-- Springer's enormously successful political career. Springer worked on Robert F. Kennedy's campaign, held a seat on the Cincinatti town council and served as mayor, ran for Governor of Ohio, and according to his aides, had the charisma to run and win the presidency.

The story of how the most popular mayor of Cincinatti--ever-- made the change from upstanding, beloved political leader to questionable pop culture icon is detailed in a radio story that first aired on a 2004 episode of This American Life. If you haven't heard it, drop everything you're doing and listen to it right now-- it's an amazing character portrait and an extraordinary story that will blow your mind.

Jerry Springer's story takes on another dynamic in my current state of mind, which is roughly summarized as "oh my god I graduate next May what am I going to do with my life help help". Does anyone ever become exactly what they dreamed of being? And if not, is that good or bad?

Enough existential musing. Listen to the episode, and tell me if it doesn't make you want to hang out with Jerry Springer and find out exactly who he is.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summer is...

Summer is for food budget-induced pseudovegetarianism.

Summer is for overcoming one's dislike of sand in exchange for the triumphant return of one's freckles.

Summer is for trying to teach 15 rowdy fourth graders the Italian words for tempi... and succeeding!

Summer is for getting caught in the rain and picked up by your housemate.

Summer is for hopefully reviving this blog... with book reviews, random musings, links and other decently entertaining things.*

*Yes, that includes Spam Quarantine Digest.