Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Adulthood Ain't So Bad

Today, I am a woman. Why? Because I wanted fried tofu, and by golly, I made myself fried tofu. And it was so. good.

You too can become a woman, or man, by indulging your desire for fried tofu with the directions I've provided here at Spice and Sauce, my dear friend Audrey's blog. What's that you say? You don't have a desire for fried tofu? You soon will.
Also, the Japanese desire to anthropomorphize things can be super creepy, but I have to admit that this is the cutest soybean curd I've ever seen in my life.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The One Meme that Must Never Die

Look, Pavement, I'm really happy for you, but the Pixies had one of the BEST reunion tours ever. The BEST.

Look, Joe Wilson and Glenn Beck, I'm really happy that you both think you can act like a doofus on national television, but Bill O'Reilley was doing that WAY before you both were. WAAY before.

Look, H1N1, I'm really impressed by the way you're scaring the crap out of everyone, but the 1918 pandemic was the most deadly influenza strain in modern history. THE MOST DEADLY.

Look, Kanye and Taylor, I'm really amazed by your little spat, but the ending of Lady Gaga's performance was the most amazing* thing about the VMAs. Seriously. She looked like a piece of meat.

*And by amazing, I mean terrifying.