Friday, November 7, 2008

Y'all Come Back Now and Read My Column Again, Ya Hear?

"The unbearable stigma of being 'Dixie.'" Opinions Column, The Brown Daily Herald, 7 November 2008.

Other potential titles for this column included "The unbearable lightness of whistling 'Dixie,'" "The unbearable stigma of whistling 'Dixie,'" "The unbearable lightness of being 'Dixie,'" and "The unbearable lightness of OH MY GOD I am so so sorry, Milan Kundera."

Though I was somewhat nervous about the whiny tone of my argument, so I was floored when I received an overwhelmingly positive response to this column. People were literally stopping me on the street and sending me emails and Facebook messages to thank me for writing about being a Southerner at Brown. It just goes to show that you never know how writing will be received. And that's the durn truth, y'all.

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